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What is Market Repo?

Repo is a repurchase agreement entered into between eligible counterparties for borrowing and lending of funds on a collateralized basis. A repo involves selling of a security with the agreement to repurchase the same at a future date for a predetermined price. The seller of the security receives funds while the buyer of the security receives collateral for the funds he has lent. The rate at which the security will be repurchased in the second leg of the repo is derived from the rate of interest payable on the funds lent and is known as repo rate. Repo transactions facilitate banks to invest surplus cash for adjusting CRR positions and also for adjusting SLR positions.

Who are permitted to make repo transactions?

Repo transactions are permitted between counterparties and in instruments permitted by the Reserve Bank of India. At present, repoable securities include Central Government dated securities (G-Secs), Treasury Bills (T-Bills), State Development Loans (SDLs) and Corporate Bonds. Recently, RBI also permitted re-repo of securities acquired under reverse repo subject to certain restrictions. Such an arrangement is permitted only in case of dated G-Secs, T-Bills and SDLs. The entities permitted to undertake repo transactions include Scheduled Commercial Banks, Co-operative Banks, Primary Dealers, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies and corporate entities.

What is reverse repo transaction?

A Reverse repo transaction is the mirror image of a repo. It involves buying of securities and lending of short-term surplus in the first leg and selling the security at a predetermined rate in the second leg. A repo transaction for one counterparty becomes a reverse repo transaction for the other counterparty.

How are repo transactions conducted?

Clearcorp Repo Order Matching System (CROMS) is an STP enabled anonymous Order Matching Platform launched by Clearcorp Dealing Systems (India) Ltd for facilitating dealing in Market Repos in all kinds of Government Securities. OTC transactions too, are permitted on this platform. The market on an average witnesses’ volumes in the range of ₹ 25,000 – 35,000 crore.

Contact Us:

STCI PD has access to CROMS system. We borrow/lend funds/securities on electronic platform as well as in the reported segment. Clients interested in undertaking repo transactions may contact our Funding Desk on 022 66202213/232.

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